
Red And Infrared Light Therapy (RLT)

What is the Red and Infrared Light Therapy (RLT)?

Red light therapy belongs to a class of treatment in which light within a specific wavelength is used to help the body heal. Think of it as a gentle nudge for the body to kick into self-healing mode.

While there is still a divide among doctors and scientists about the extent of the benefits that red light therapy provides to people with certain ailments, it is generally agreed that the use of red and infrared light therapy leads to improvements in patients’ health conditions.

To initiate red light therapy, medical-grade LED lights are used to deliver concentrated and specific wavelengths of light,  660 and 850 nanometers, to the body. Studies show that the cells in the human body can absorb specific wavelengths of light (like near-infrared light) and use them to stimulate the production of ATP (the energy-carrying molecule in cells) in the mitochondria (the energy center of the cell).

Basically, the cells use this extra energy to repair themselves and, therefore, heal our bodies in the process.

The biggest selling point of red and infrared light therapy over most traditional light therapy is that it is non-invasive. This means there is no harm done to your skin during the process.

How does the Red and Infrared Light Therapy work?

When the cells of living organisms receive more energy, they can carry out cellular tasks more effectively and efficiently. This increased efficiency leads to faster healing times and the other benefits caused by red light therapy.

The main function of red and Infrared light therapy is to activate the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the mitochondria. ATP is a substance found in the cells of living things that provides the energy required for the metabolic processes performed by various cells in the body. The ATP is also necessary for the production of RNA (ribonucleic acid – which carries instructions for the synthesis of essential proteins in the body).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it similar to a tanning bed?

Just the shape! There are ZERO UV waves and it is completely free of harmful side affects. Red and Infrared Light Therapy is non invasive and safe for almost everyone. The bed gets about as warm as the outside of a mug with warm liquid inside.

15 minutes. You will lay in the bed and once it closes the timer will go off, the bed will switch off when the time is up! You can bring your audio devices to listen to music, a podcast or meditate. 

Results vary person to person, you’ll feel great after one session, but the more consistent you are the deeper and longer lasting the results will be. For best result, we suggest 3-5 sessions per week for 2 months. For maintenance and general health to 1-2 sessions per week.

Benefits Of Red and Infrared Lights Therapy


Red and Infrared Lights Therapy Price List for walk-ins*

1 session                                                $25     +GST

5 sessions                                              $100   +GST

30 days Unlimited Sessions                   $200   +GST

*Walk-ins is referred to new clients who have never seen any of our practitioners and just want to make use of the infrared lights therapy

Red and Infrared Lights Therapy Price List for regular clients**

1 session                                               $15     +GST

10 sessions                                           $100   +GST

30 days Unlimited Sessions                  $150   +GST

** Regular clients are clients who have had treatments at our clinic and want to make use of the infrared lights therapy without and appointment with one of our therapists

Please notice: Unlimited monthly sessions include a 1 session per day restriction
You can purchase a package by calling our clinic at 587-317-8878